What Are Ultrasound Airborne Leak Detection Surveys?
Ultrasound Airborne Leak Detection Surveys cover a wide range of leaks: pressure or vacuum and any gas. Sound dependent, ultrasound instruments detect the turbulent flow produced as the fluid (liquid or gas) moves from the high-pressure side to the low-pressure side of a leak. Ultrasound leak inspection is especially beneficial in areas where there is a saturation of gases or where a wide variety of gases, pressurized vessels and vacuum processes exist. For this reason, ultrasound leak detection is used in many facilities for safety, environmental, energy or quality assurance programs.
We provide Ultrasound Airborne Leak Detection Surveys to identify the compressed air or gas leaks at your facility. The survey includes detailed reporting to help you repair each leak, which will save thousands of dollars each year in energy consumption.
Passive Ultrasonic Listening, also known as Acoustic Vibration Monitoring, provides a supplement to infrared thermography in situations where safety concerns prohibit direct contact, such as in high- and medium-voltage enclosures under load.
Ultrasonic or acoustic vibration is AC voltages or currents caused by friction between moving components, such as bearings, couplings, gear mesh, etc. Passive Ultrasonic Listening can help detect bearing failures, mechanical stress, and electrical signals caused by acoustic vibration in areas that are difficult to access or diagnose using other methods.
Typically, potential mechanical failures can only be detected while the machine is on, making Passive Ultrasonic Listening one of the many effective methods of failure prevention available. Passive Ultrasonic Listening can detect problems even before Vibration Analysis is a diagnostic option.
One of the greatest advantages of this technology is the ability to detect specific sounds in an environment with high ambient noise, such as on a plant floor. Ultrasonic listening can identify sounds outside the normal human hearing range, but the difficult part is knowing what those sounds mean to operators and managers.
That’s where Advantage Reliability Services, Inc. can help. Our expertise in this technology will give you the advantage you need to keep your machines working and your downtime minimized.